Monday, July 23, 2012

San Martin , near Mazamitla, Mexico moving forward

San Martin , near Mazamitla, Mexico moving forward.

Over many years FWOP worked with families trying to improve their existence a bit.  First,   with a generator  and later with three solar panels  some small amount of electricity was created for the residents .  Second, as they had to walk a mile or more for water,  FWOP and local residents  installed a gravity water system to bring water from a spring some two miles away to all houses.  No pumps were required. Third, a bath house with two toilets and a shower was  built later.  .  You can click on the you tube below to have a sense of how students from UNT and FWOP installed the water system.
Recently, GRID electricity has arrived to San Martin which means the generator and solar panels are no longer needed there.   FWOP is now planning to move the solar panels, invertor,  generators and batteries to a new village without electricity.  We will need to also buy electric cables, light sockets, and  plug-in receptacles for the walls. 
 One  resident  from another village has dropped  by Pato’s  home to asked FWOP  to consider moving the alternative energy system to their village.  
If you wish  to assist with a  few dollars to help us make the transfer  of the panels and the generator to a new location., go to   to make a welcome donation.
In the photo below,  Anthony is the  man on the left side who lives in San Martin.  Some two years ago, he repaired the gravity water system when the spring  went dry where we were collecting the water in a cistern buried in the ravine.   He relocated the cistern and reconnected the pipes.   He had been part of the original team to install the system.     He also heads up the committee to collect a few pesos to pay for gasoline for the generator.    
 Pato, to the right in the photo ,  is a FWOP colleague in Mazamitla who allow us to complete  our efforts  in the State of Jalisco.
 Elena who is sitting in the chair explained the water problem to Tom Benjamin some 8 year ago and took Tom on  a walk to show him how far it was to secure a bucket of  water.   Most older children and adults work in the fields nearby for one farm owner.    They have been squatting on this land for some thirty years.  FWOP has managed to secure them ownership to their land now. 
We have had challenges. At one stage someone was paid to cut the water line at 8am.   We managed to repair the line at 9am. Finally the  opposition gave up .    After we showed the land owner how to install such a system he was able to install  a large water  cistern near San Martin and thus the was finally able  to irrigate a five acre field with new avocado trees.   More work for residents of San Martin and more money for the landowner. 

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