Monday, August 6, 2012

From a student and an intern in Social Work from UT-Austin who served FWOP in Mexico. Stan 

Dear Future Without Poverty team, 
This is Michael Romero, one of Syl's first interns at Mazamitla. 
Ever since my 2006 FWOP internship in Mexico, I became bonded to the idea of international and local social service. In 2008-2010 I served in Honduras with Peace Corps. I'm currently a School Social Worker and musician. I've learned one lesson over and over again: how much we have to and must learn from others. 

My band, Strumero, has co-written a FWOP song, "In Our Backyard," and several songs about helping people living in poverty and helping us remember our pespectives. We are now on a campaign to complete our 3rd album and hire a publicist. To do that, we have signed up on Please check out the free music and fun videos you can get as well as valuable "perks" for joining our campaign. 

In addition, every day of the month of August, Strumero will post a new song at (you can also buy our first 2 albums here), and at

As Syl once told me, 'If you wait for all the lights to be green, you'll never get anywhere.' I wouldn't be the kind of person I am today without the experience and support of FWOP. I hope you can join us, even if it's just to listen!! 

Lo agradezco mucho,

-Michael Romero (

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